I write about systems to solve societal issues. Check out my start here page to get to know me better!
A visual representation of my mind.
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I send a weekly email with my favorite ideas for living a better life. Some weeks I’ll talk about fitness. Others I’ll talk about investing. I often talk about habits, routines, and decision making. Every week is different, but I’ll always leave you with a few ideas to ponder to help you be happier, healthier, more balanced, and more effective.
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I also write essays about the greatest people and events in history and distill them into actionable takeaways you can apply to your life.
Finally, I record podcasts with accomplished individuals to learn what strategies we can borrow to find success in our own lives.
Upstate New York native.
Greensboro, North Carolina resident.
I'm an avid hiker with more than 10 Adirondack high peaks and Half Dome under my belt.
I've run three half marathons, two full marathons, and one half Iron-man.
I was a Write of Passage Fellow.
Favorite writer: Ryan Holiday.
Favorite band: The White Buffalo.
Favorite book (currently): The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter.
These are some of my most popular/important articles: